1  Contributing

This chapter is intended to direct you to the place you want to be, whether you want to get help, use software, contribute to software, and more. Reminder: the scope of this guide is software maintained by DaSL in the WILDS GitHub organization. “Contributors” as used in this book includes DaSL staff as we are also contributors! If you’d like help with your own software schedule a house call.

1.1 Communication Channels

  • Slack: Fred Hutch folks can chat with other community members and DaSL and Fred Hutch SciComp staff in the Fred Hutch Data Slack. Join our Slack here https://hutchdatascience.org/joinslack/
  • GitHub Issues: Each GitHub repository has an issues tab where you can ask questions, propose a feature, and more. See below for more details.
  • Data House Calls: https://calendly.com/data-house-calls

1.2 Software

This book concerns any software created in the GitHub repositories under the WILDS GitHub organization.

Find the thing you would like to do below and follow its instructions.

Question: If you have a question you can ask in the Slack linked above, or open an issue in any of the GitHub repositories.

Bug: If you want to report a bug, open an issue in the appropriate GitHub repository.

Feature: If you want to request a feature, open an issue in the appropriate GitHub repository.

Contribute code/docs: If you want to contribute to software - whether code, documentation or something else - open an issue in the appropriate GitHub repository to discuss, then open a pull request to make your contribution.

Code of Conduct: WILDS GitHub repositories should have their own code of conduct - likely some version of the Contributor Covenant. Refer to the COC in the repository for specific guidance.