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Retrieving Data

The Screening and Risk Factors category of cancerprof contains 6 unique functions to pull data from the Screening and Risk Factor page of State Cancer Profile.

These functions are: risk_alcohol(), risk_colorectal_screening(), risk_diet_exercise(), risk_smoking(), risk_vaccines(), risk_womens_health()

Each of these functions require various parameters that must be specified to pull data. Please refer to function documentation for more details.

Risk Alcohol

Risk Alcohol requires 3 arguments: alcohol, race, sex

alcohol1 <- risk_alcohol(
  alcohol = paste(
    "binge drinking (4+ drinks on one occasion for women,",
    "5+ drinks for one occasion for men), ages 21+"
  race = "all races (includes hispanic)",
  sex = "both sexes"
head(alcohol1, n = 3)
#>                  State  FIPS Percent Lower_95%_CI Upper_95%_CI Number_of_Respondents
#> 1 District of Columbia 11001    26.2         23.9         28.4                   566
#> 2         North Dakota 38000    22.8         21.1         24.5                   676
#> 3                 Iowa 19000    21.9         20.7         23.1                  1515

Risk Colorectal Screening

Risk Colorectal Screening has 4 arguments: screening, race, sex, area

"home blood stool test in the past year, ages 45-75" and "received at least one recommended crc test, ages 45-75" for the screening arguments requires a race argument and a sex argument and defaults to "direct estimates", "US by state".

"ever had fobt, ages 50-75", "guidance sufficient crc, ages 50-75", "had colonoscopy in past 10 years, ages 50-75" for the screening arguments defaults to "all races", "both sexes", and "county level modeled estimates".

screening1 <- risk_colorectal_screening(
  screening = "home blood stool test in the past year, ages 45-75",
  race = "all races (includes hispanic)",
  sex = "both sexes"
head(screening1, n = 3)
#>         State  FIPS Percent Lower_95%_CI Upper_95%_CI Number_of_Respondents
#> 1     Wyoming 56000     3.0          2.2          3.7                    75
#> 2 Mississippi 28000     3.4          2.3          4.5                    64
#> 3    Delaware 10000     3.8          3.0          4.7                   106

screening2 <- risk_colorectal_screening(
  screening = "ever had fobt, ages 50-75",
  area = "usa"
head(screening2, n = 3)
#>               County  FIPS Model_Based_Percent (95%_Confidence_Interval) Lower_95%_CI Upper_95%_CI
#> 1 New Hanover County 37129                                           0.2            0          1.2
#> 2    Columbus County 37047                                           0.3            0          1.5
#> 3       Dixon County 31051                                           0.3            0          1.5

Risk Diet-Exercise

Risk Diet-Exercise requires 3 arguments: diet_exercise , race, sex

diet_exercise1 <- risk_diet_exercise(
  diet_exercise = "bmi is healthy, ages 20+",
  race = "all races (includes hispanic)",
  sex = "both sexes"
head(diet_exercise1, n = 3)
#>           State  FIPS Percent Lower_95%_CI Upper_95%_CI Number_of_Respondents
#> 1 West Virginia 54000    22.5         21.0         24.0                  1061
#> 2   Mississippi 28000    24.8         23.0         26.6                   906
#> 3      Oklahoma 40000    25.1         23.6         26.5                  1304

diet_exercise2 <- risk_diet_exercise(
  diet_exercise = "bmi is obese, high school survey",
  race = "all races (includes hispanic)",
  sex = "males"
head(diet_exercise2, n = 3)
#>           State  FIPS Percent Lower_95%_CI Upper_95%_CI
#> 1 West Virginia 54000    29.5         20.6         40.2
#> 2   Mississippi 28000    28.0         25.2         30.9
#> 3         Texas 48000    25.7         22.4         29.3

Risk Smoking

Risk Smoking has arguments 5: smoking, race, sex, datatype, area.

For the following smoking arguments:

  • "smoking laws (any)"
  • "smoking laws (bars)"
  • "smoking laws (restaurants)"
  • "smoking laws (workplace)"
  • "smoking laws (workplace; restaurant; & bar)"

Only include the smoking argument.

race, sex, datatype, area will be defaulted to "all races", "both sexes", "direct estimates", "US by State"

For the following smoking arguments:

  • “smokers (stopped for 1 day or longer)”,
  • “smoking not allowed at work (all people)”,
  • “smoking not allowed in home (all people)”

Select a sex argument.

If "both sexes" is selected for sex, then select a datatype argument.

If "county level modeled estimates" is selected for datatype, then select an area argument.

race, will always be defaulted to "all races".

datatype and area will always be defaulted to "direct estimates", and "US by State" if sex is “male” or “female”.

For the following smoking arguments:

  • "smoking not allowed at work (current smokers)"
  • "smoking not allowed at work (former/never smokers)"
  • "smoking not allowed in home (current smokers)"
  • "smoking not allowed in home (former/never smokers)"

Select a sex argument.

race, datatype, area will be defaulted to "all races", "direct estimates", "US by State".

For the following smoking arguments:

  • "former smoker; ages 18+"
  • "former smoker, quit 1 year+; ages 18+"

Select a sex and area argument.

race and datatype will be defaulted to "all races", "direct estimates"

For the following smoking arguments:

  • "smokers (ever); ages 18+"
  • "e-cigarette use; ages 18+"

Select a race and sex argument.

datatype and area will be defaulted to "direct estimates" and "US by State".

For “smokers (current); ages 18+”

Select a race and sex argument.

If "all races (includes hispanic)" is selected for race, select a datatype argument.

If "county level modeled estimates" is selected for datatype, then select an area argument.

datatype and area will always be defaulted to "direct estimates", and "US by State" if race is NOT "all races (includes hispanic)".

smoking1 <- risk_smoking(
  smoking = "smokers (stopped for 1 day or longer)",
  sex = "both sexes",
  datatype = "county level modeled estimates",
  area = "wa"
head(smoking1, n = 3)
#>            County  FIPS Percent Lower_95%_CI Upper_95%_CI
#> 1    Grant County 53025    40.8         28.2         53.8
#> 2 Kittitas County 53037    41.4         29.0         54.3
#> 3 Thurston County 53067    41.7         29.2         54.3

smoking2 <- risk_smoking(
  smoking = "smoking not allowed at work (current smokers)",
  sex = "both sexes",
  datatype = "direct estimates"
head(smoking2, n = 3)
#>     State  FIPS Percent Lower_95%_CI Upper_95%_CI Number_of_Respondents
#> 1  Nevada 32000    55.2         43.9         65.9                    55
#> 2 Wyoming 56000    57.9         47.1         68.0                    69
#> 3    Utah 49000    61.2         47.5         73.3                    39

smoking3 <- risk_smoking(
  smoking = "smokers (current); ages 18+",
  race = "all races (includes hispanic)",
  sex = "both sexes",
  datatype = "county level modeled estimates",
  area = "wa"
head(smoking3, n = 3)
#>           County  FIPS Percent Lower_95%_CI Upper_95%_CI
#> 1   Mason County 53045    17.9         13.6         22.8
#> 2 Cowlitz County 53015    17.8         13.9         22.2
#> 3 Stevens County 53065    17.1         12.9         21.8

Risk Vaccines

Risk Vaccines requires 2 arguments: vaccines and sex

vaccines1 <- risk_vaccines(
   vaccine = "percent with up to date hpv vaccination coverage, ages 13-17",
   sex = "females"
head(vaccines1, n = 3)
#>         State  FIPS Percent Lower_95%_CI Upper_95%_CI Number_of_Respondents
#> 1 Mississippi 28000    32.6         23.9         42.6                    48
#> 2     Wyoming 56000    48.7         38.2         59.3                    70
#> 3    Kentucky 21000    48.9         37.2         60.7                    59

vaccines2 <- risk_vaccines(
   vaccine = "percent with up to date hpv vaccination coverage, ages 13-15",
   sex = "both sexes"
head(vaccines2, n = 3)
#>         State  FIPS Percent Lower_95%_CI Upper_95%_CI Number_of_Respondents
#> 1 Mississippi 28000    35.9         27.7         45.0                    59
#> 2     Wyoming 56000    44.0         34.9         53.5                    79
#> 3       Texas 48000    46.4         39.6         53.3                   318

Risk Women’s Health

Risk Women’s Health has 4 arguments: women_health, race, datatype, area

If "all races (includes hispanic)" is selected for race, select a datatype argument. If any other race is selected, then datatype and area will be defaulted to "direct estimates" and "US by State".

vaccines1 <- risk_vaccines(
   vaccine = "percent with up to date hpv vaccination coverage, ages 13-17",
   sex = "females"
head(vaccines1, n = 3)
#>         State  FIPS Percent Lower_95%_CI Upper_95%_CI Number_of_Respondents
#> 1 Mississippi 28000    32.6         23.9         42.6                    48
#> 2     Wyoming 56000    48.7         38.2         59.3                    70
#> 3    Kentucky 21000    48.9         37.2         60.7                    59

vaccines2 <- risk_vaccines(
   vaccine = "percent with up to date hpv vaccination coverage, ages 13-15",
   sex = "both sexes"
head(vaccines2, n = 3)
#>         State  FIPS Percent Lower_95%_CI Upper_95%_CI Number_of_Respondents
#> 1 Mississippi 28000    35.9         27.7         45.0                    59
#> 2     Wyoming 56000    44.0         34.9         53.5                    79
#> 3       Texas 48000    46.4         39.6         53.3                   318